Instant artificial Christmas tree1 It is called an instant tree as it can be assembled in less than 5 minutes!
The tree consists of 4 pieces, stand,central pole,body and top of the tree. Assemble the stand,put the central pole through the body and top of the tree,stand upright,plug in the lights.No need to fluff the branches.This is a perfect instant solution to avoid the task of building an artificial Christmas tree.
Technical specs
6ft tips 675 , width 36",led lights 200.
7ft tips 1010, width 41",led lights 300.
Instant artificial Christmas tree
Instant artificial Christmas tree1 It is called an instant tree as it can be assembled in less than 5 minutes!
The tree consists of 4 pieces, stand,central pole,body and top of the tree. Assemble the stand,put the central pole through the body and top of the tree,stand upright,plug in the lights.No need to fluff the branches.This is a perfect instant solution to avoid the task of building an artificial Christmas tree.
Technical specs
6ft tips 675 , width 36",led lights 200.
7ft tips 1010, width 41",led lights 300.